Saturday, December 24, 2016

David Needs Your Help to Get a Handicap Van!

     Some call it faith, some call it positive thoughts, and some call it positive confession but I am here to tell you we are getting a new Handicap van. How? Well let me tell you about our options.

This is a possibility for David's new handicap van. 

    First of all  our current handicap accessible van is a sweet tan colored Dodge named Goldie. Goldie came to us in 2009 when we desperately needed her. The year prior to this my husband Dave had broken both of his femurs within 6 months of each other. After this occurred he had to be in a power wheelchair all the time and we needed a way to transport that chair wherever he needed to go. Unfortunately, there are no government programs for those who are on Social Security disability to transport a power wheelchair when people need to go to other places than their home. I know it's hard for some of you to believe, but it's true and it can keep those who are disabled home-bound for months at a time.Family and friends prayed with us and looked for a handicap van, and eventually we found a used one with low milage on it. Goldie was given to us after many months of friends and family fixing it up to where the mini vans ramp would deploy properly and a new seat was put in for Dave so he could turn, transfer, and drive. We didn't complain or push for the van to be finished sooner during that time, we just prayed and trusted God had a plan and indeed He did.

                                        Goldie (AKA Captain Caveman), our current handicap van.

     Fast forward to the last few years where friends, family, our pastor, and mechanic have begun to encourage us to look for a new van. They would point this out in different ways like, "You know the van won't last forever," and "you're going to need to replace that some day." This was very kind of them, honestly, but we don't have the money to purchase one and finding an affordable van that has all of the necessities that meet my husband needs is nearly impossible. While I have looked into it, I've not been able to find grant money for one either and if you know of grant money, a program, or someone who is giving away a handicap van please contact me at We need the van to meet some necessary qualifications for my husband David's needs and of course pass our mechanics inspection.

      As a result of our search, however, we've found a few ways we may be able to get the help we need. If you would like to help us acquire a handicap van and meet any other medical bills for David we have set up a HelpHopeLive campaign. HelpHOPELive is a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 30 years. You can give through this link to help David and to top it all off it's tax deductible. If you work for a company that does matched giving HelpHopeLive can receive that as well for David! All checks should be made out to HelpHopeLive with the memo section noting "In Honor of David D. Talkington".

Visit this link to donate or mail to:
2 Radnor Corporate Center 
100 Matsonford Road
Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087

     The other possibility we have found in this process that could help us buy a handicap van is called a Stable account . Stable accounts are tax free savings plans for disability related expenses where you can save and invest without losing needs based benefits. The cool thing is that we have opened one up for my husband and we, our family, friends, and even companies can contribute to help us get the van or other things that my husband may need but would not be covered by our income or other programs. We have started the account out with $50 ourselves. My husband can receive up to $14,000 a year in this account. We would appreciate it if you would consider giving toward that goal by Dec 31,2016! Then early in 2017 our goal is to raise another $14,000 in this account. That sounds like a lot of money but  the new handicap vans we have been looking at that would suit my husband's needs average about $60,000. Do I believe in miracles? Yes I do!

                                                              My husband David Talkington. <3

Please consider giving into my husbands Stable account. If you do give please respond to the email we have sent you from Stable or send me your email address to so I can send you the link. The gifts to Stable accounts are not tax deductible and are not compatible with matching gifts from employers. Thank you so much for reading this, considering it, and praying that this need will be met. I will update with another post when we receive the van or when the Stable account reaches $14,000 for the calendar year. Please feel free to share this blog post!

                                        Copyright SHARONNMYLIFE  INC 2016 | all rights reserved
Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. Please note, hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hypophosphatasia Awareness Day and Our Soft Bones Family

Oct 30, 2016

     Happy Hypophosphatasia Awareness Day Oct 30,2016 ! I first heard the word Hypophsphatasia a couple of years after my husband and I got married. He had a wrist swell up and the X-rays made the Dr think he possibly had cancer! What?!?!?! No he just had Hypophosphatasia. Here is a bit of information from the Soft Bones website 

My husband Dave! A little guy with HPP!

What Is HPP?

HPP is a condition that affects healthy development of bones and teeth, making bones softer and more likely to fracture. People who have HPP have trouble making an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase, or ALP. Without this important ALP enzyme, certain chemicals build-up and prevent calcium and phosphorus from binding together and depositing in the bones. As a result, bones can become soft, curved and fragile, and teeth may become loose or fall out prematurely.For more information, continue reading What Is HPP.

My husband Dave. One of my HPP heroes! 

As my husband started his journey as an infant, his Mom saw the value of communicating with doctors, getting treatment for his symptoms and continuing to search for a diagnosis. She was willing to do whatever it took. She wrote to physicians about David's case and fortunately they listened. She must have been surrounded by talented doctors because in the 1960's not many were diagnosed with hypophosphatasia (HPP). They just didn't know much about it or how to treat it. Early on in his life, he was misdiagnosed with cystic fibrosis and his Mom supported that cause through patient advocacy and fundraisers. She still had the awareness pins when she got her upgrade and went to heaven. 

Little did I know how much all this would mean until years later when Dave's wrist flared up. I told Dave that day that I was on a mission to find someone who could help him. Many years later I did, in Canada! Yes, the journey first took me to Canada through a website and a Yahoo group. Through that small but mighty group, I met Deborah Fowler who started Soft Bones. Years before, I had found a group that dealt with many disorders that impact children, including HPP.  I emailed them even though my husband was an adult, but I never received an answer. 
                                           Deborah Fowler founder and President of Soft Bones
Shortly after, Soft Bones emerged and covered a full spectrum of support for HPP patients, reaching out to prenatal hpp babies, the oldest adults, as well as caregivers. I don't know what Deborah thinks about this, but I believe God sent her to help not only her son Cannon who has HPP. In the Bible, Deborah was a leader who a man approached when he didn't want to go to battle alone. She agreed to go and the battle was won. I believe we have been in a battle for years to first find a treatment and a ultimately a cure for HPP. God chose a woman who is trained and gifted in communication and media to help spread the word and connect the dots for HPP. 
When I went to Atlanta recently with Soft Bones for an Advocacy in Action event, I saw the vision come together for the first time. Soft Bones connects the key players from top level Doctors, Researchers, Patients, Caregivers and Advocates to forward research and to  find solutions for HPP and the community. This is a national as well as international vision as we work to connect people around the globe. 

Deborah, I am honored to know you and have you as a part of our Soft Bones family. In some of our darkest hours with our most challenging battles with HPP Soft Bones has been there calling and connecting to see  if we need anything and what can they do for us. I truly don't know what I would have done without them. I believe they played a huge part in the life saving drug Strensiq being approved and saving the lives of so many HPP patients to this day.

We need your help to continue on as Soft Bones continues to fight HPP on multiple fronts including the following. 

   Your gift will support
  • Educational programs and services
  • Policy and advocacy efforts to increase recognition of HPP and access to necessary services and treatment
  • Advances in research to further new treatment options and an eventual cure
  • The Emergency Fund to support children and adults with urgent, life-threatening HPP around the world, providing them with access to physicians who have experience with HPP
  • Travel grants to allow those with HPP, their families and caregivers to attend our patient education meetings
 If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution to help fight HPP please click here.

Copyright SHARONNMYLIFE  INC 2016 | all rights reserved
Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. Please note, hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

When Your Bestie Is Nominated For Woman Of The Year-Oct 6-8, 2016

     Recently my bestie, Kelli Sears (she is currently launching a new blog, check out her Twitter and Facebook for more details), called to say she had been nominated along with 6 other women for Woman of the Year at Drenda Keesee's  Love Encounter conference. She was amazed but I wasn't at all. Why? Well anyone who has met Kelli Sears knows that she is absolutely incredible. She is loving, kind, and always giving to others. She was humbled to even be nominated and I eagerly told her I was willing to attend the conference with her if she would like. She was happy to have me along with her for the ride and we got to enjoy the experience together!

                                                (Photo credit: Stephanie Sears)

      The conference was amazing! Everything was done with the highest degree of excellence to make sure that every woman who was attending had everything she could possibly need for the conference. There was breakfast, snacks, water, lunch, great teaching, and lots of joy not to mention the love of God that was clearly present with us.

      The music was amazing and was played by the band Open Heaven from their new album release, Lion of Judah. The speakers gave some amazing talks on the simple, difficult, and just plain funny stuff women go through while tying in encouragement from the word to keep moving up! We had lots of fun as Drenda talked about the Jesus movement and encouraged attendees at Love Encounter 2016  to dress from that era for the conference. We got some great pics in front of a hippie van that was at the conference and several of Kelli's family joined in the fun with us!

(Photo Credit: Megan Mizer)

     On Saturday morning Kelli had to be there early to get her makeup and hair done with all the nominees, as well as put on the new outfits that were provided. It was inspiring to see the nominees in awe of the fact that they were nominated for the award. Kelli even said, "Who am I that I am here among these other women? I am so humbled."

     It is my belief that she was nominated because like Esther in the Bible, Kelli has come into the Kingdom for such a time as this. As a believer in Jesus, she is an amazing daughter, sister, wife, mom, Mimi, foster mom, home school mom, school psychologist, missionary, business owner, and amazing friend.

     I met Kelli Sears over 20 years ago and initially thought she was too busy to be my friend. However, a few years ago we met over a prayer and a vision which led us to begin to talk on the phone, capitalizing on her driving time to schools to check in with each other frequently. We pray, we laugh, we talk, we cry, we dream, we encourage one another, and we celebrate great times together! This precious time continues today as we journey alongside one another.
The last couple of years have been different for us with Kelli launching her new business Navigating Autism Plus. Due to her busy schedule, she is using driving time to return business calls limiting our contact. However when we are together there is still that kindred spirit friendship that is oh so sweet!
     Kelli has been through many difficult, traumatic things that could have derailed her over and over again and yet her spirit has grown strong and resilient. Putting her fighting spirit behind the cause of helping children everywhere, protecting them from abuse, neglect, and learning how each one of them learns best to help school leaders embrace their unique style!


      On Saturday of the conference when they called all the ladies out one by one their inspiring stories were shared from the platform. When they finally called out the name of Woman of the year 2016 Kelli Sears was the name they called which made the crowd cheer enthusiastically! Kelli was surprised but also happy which absolutely thrilled me as I watched my friend who has spent her adult life serving so many over herself be honored in such a wonderful way. Congratulations my friend! The ride has just begun and it's going to be a great one!


(Photo Credit: Stephanie Sears)

      Stay tuned to be connected to my friend Kelli's new blog and the next chapter of her story......

Copyright SHARONNMYLIFE  INC 2016 | all rights reserved
Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. Please note, hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Guest Post Update From My Husband Dave

Guest Post Update From My Amazing Husband Dave
Dave is a funny guy and wanted to share some big news with our family and friends!
We hope you share in our joy of celebrating life!
     "Wow! Where do I begin? I want to thank all those who have wished me a happy birthday! It's amazing what the Lord has done in my wasn't too long ago that I wondered if I was going to make it to 50 let alone to today. I know that it's been the goodness of God. I also know it's been the prayers of my parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, other relatives, and that many of you, have done on my behalf. Although the disease that I deal with should have been fatal even through my childhood years, here I am. I definitely have hope in my heart! Hope for today, tomorrow and the future. I say that from an interesting position. As many of you know, I have been in a wheelchair since 1995...due to the ultra rare disease I have, called Hypophosphatasia (HPP), which is a musculoskeletal disease. Multiple breaks, muscle weakness, pain etc. But last fall the FDA released the only life saving drug to help with the symptoms. This is not a cure, but it has saved many babies that would have died otherwise. I started the drug in March. The drug basically is supposed to replace an enzyme I'm missing in my DNA. Again, It's not a cure..but it is the next best thing! What does it do for me? It's really helping me to have a better quality of life... This drug is something my doctors said I'd never see in my lifetime!!! They were happy to be wrong....and so am I. I'm such a blessed man. I have a wonderful wife and children, great family and friends, a great HPP family, great Pastors, staff and church family! People who have stood with and encouraged me and my family during the easier times and when I've (we've) been battle wounded and worn. Thanks again.....from a grateful heart.....Dave 
It is I who no longer lives but it is Christ who lives in me!"

copyright SHARONNMYLIFE  INC 2016 | all rights reserved
Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. Please note, hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Atlanta Part 3 Gregory Family, Linked Up Church, and Doing Life together

     At the end to our trip to Atlanta we connected with our family, the Gregory's, to do life with them and attend the church they Pastor, Linked Up ChurchOur paths connected many years ago in Oklahoma and we thank God every day for giving us such a precious relationship with the Gregory's! To be with them following the ASBMR conference with Soft Bones to share what is happening in our lives as well as the latest news on my husbands bone disorder Hypophosphatasia was a wonderful experience for my daughter and I. The last few years I have not been able to travel far from home due in part to my husband having HPP and his health being impacted by it, so getting to see the Gregory's was truly a dream come true!

                                               Trish with one of her babies Rebekah <3

      Being able to attend church the morning after ASBMR twice in one day and experience the presence, power, and love of God in Linked Up Church was such a peaceful and strengthening time for me. The praise and worship was powerful and I absolutely loved every minute of it! The message delivered by Pastors Joel and Patricia Gregory was a special one as they encouraged all of us in the basics of the faith while they began their 40-connect campaign with the church family. One scripture they shared which powerfully impacted me was James 5:16b "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." I had already been thinking upon this scripture in relationship to my daughter and I's trip as so many things we have prayed for Soft Bones, HPP patients, Hypophosphatasia, Linked Up Church, as well as the precious Gregory family have been answered. Our Father God has truly been a wonderful father to us all!

                                          So grateful to spend time with Trish and the family!

     The time we spent with Trish and Joel was invaluable as they listened to us share about the conference. The Gregory's have been a vital part of prayer for a treatment for HPP for many years and celebrated the great news of breakthrough on the front with the FDA approval of Strensiq™ for Hypophosphatasia. They encouraged us to continue sharing about our journey which gave me another nudge to return to writing this blog and for that I can't thank them enough!
       I felt like being with the Gregory's and spending quiet time processing the weekend and the journey God has sent us on with HPP was extremely valuable to planning our families future. The love and care from the Gregory's and Linked Up Church was so tangible it was a  precious time of fellowship and rest for myself and my daughter. We can't thank you all enough for all the love you showed us! 

copyright SHARONNMYLIFE  INC 2016 | all rights reserved
Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. Please note, hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Atlanta Trip Part 2: ASBMR 2016 Advocacy with Soft Bones

     One of the highlights of the weekend was when Deborah Fowler, President of Soft Bones, did her first Facebook live video. It was at the Soft Bones booth where we were passing out and demonstrating information about Hypophosphatasia (HPP.) We had our big screen TV connected to the interactive tool to display a toddler with HPP and a toddler without HPP to exhibit the vital differences between the two. They also displayed an adult with HPP and one without through the interactive tool. At the booth we offered HPP Hippos (which are very popular), skeleton key Soft Bones USB drives with HPP information on them, HPP bones pens, packets of information, as well as the Soft Bones grant application for research. Here is the link to the video if you would like to watch it: First Soft Bones Facebook Live with Deborah Fowler.

                                                     Our family's personal Soft Bones HPP Hippo! 
                                                 His name is Tibby named after the tibia bone.

     The second video was with Alexion at their booth with information about Hypophosphatasia as well as the other side about their drug Strensiq. Strensiq is the first FDA approved drug for perinatal onset, infantile onset, and juvenile onset HPP, which is very exciting for all of us. You can find the video at this link: ASBMR 2016 Alexion Booth Facebook Live with Deborah Fowler.

                                           Dave, the love of my life that inspired me to pray, 
                              believe,search and hope for a treatment for HPP for all affected by it.

     Saturday evening was a wonderful dinner as we gathered around the table with different stories, experiences, and passions that had brought us together through Soft Bones. It was a joy to get to meet and celebrate the journey we have all been on to discover a treatment and some day I pray that together we can find a cure for Hypophsophatasia (HPP). My daughter Rebekah and I were so honored to be there.

                                            Rebekah and I at the food court getting Chick fil A.

     There were touching moments meeting doctors and researchers earlier that day and sharing our thanks with them for all they have done to create a treatment that we were told would never exist in my husbands lifetime! I wept as I thanked them and one wept as he asked me about my husband. He asked me when was he diagnosed? How was he doing? These people I had just met had such care and compassion, and the connection I felt with them was instant, precious, and amazing. These were some of the people I had spent my whole life looking for and so many of them were meeting us all in the same weekend. It was absolutely incredible and overwhelming!

     One scripture I had been thinking about was James 5:16b "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." I already had been thinking about that scripture in relationship to this trip because so many things we have prayed for such as Soft Bones, HPP patients, and for a treatment for Hypophosphatasia have been answered. I cried many tears of joy as we met, hugged, and joined with people that years ago I promised my husband I would find.  
                                              Rebekah was known as the Starbucks Fairy.

      Several years ago I searched the internet for HPP to find a website in Canada and a Yahoo group that people who had HPP from around the world were participating in. I had the privilege to meet Debbie Taillefer from Atlanta who helped to start the Yahoo group and who connected me with Deborah Fowler the founder of Soft Bones. The rest, of course, is history. So many answers to prayers, so many moments of tears and joy, and so much more work to do. I am looking forward to the next chapter in this amazing journey with Hypophosphatasia.


copyright SHARONNMYLIFE  INC 2016 | all rights reserved
Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. Please note, hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Atlanta Trip Part 1:ASBMR 2016 Advocacy with Soft Bones

Atlanta Trip Part 1: ASBMR 2016 Advocacy with Soft Bones

     This past weekend my daughter Rebekah and I had the honor of traveling to the great city of Atlanta for the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) conference and to visit our dear friends the Gregory family. During our visit we met with several people from Soft Bones, the Patient Advocacy Group for Hypophosphatasia (HPP).

Mother/Daughter selfie on the plane to Atlanta!

Outside the venue for the ASBMR conference.

    During our time at ASBMR we had the opportunity to hang out and chat with other patients, doctors, and researchers. Everyone was so caring and kind. Soft Bones, our patient advocacy group, really pulls together to get things accomplished and spread the word about HPP.

A quick "family pic" at the conference.

    While we were there I got to meet the president of Soft Bones, Deborah Fowler, whom I had befriended through the HPP community on social media several years ago. This happened to be the first time we met in person and I can't express to you the joy in connecting with her. It was also a joy to connect with the wonderful Soft Bones community of patients and caregivers that have such strong hearts despite their soft bones! It was truly incredible!

                                  It was amazing to finally meet in person "the" Sue Krug from Soft Bones.

     One of the main assignments of this weekend was to help support Soft Bones by talking with doctors and researchers at the Soft Bones booth. During this time of visiting and participating in staffing the booth I was able to meet and talk with some of the doctors and researchers that helped to develop Strensiq. Strensiq is the first treatment to ever be approved by the FDA for perinatal onset, infantile onset, and juvenile onset HPP. It's amazing to see the positive progress in the patients that are on the medication and see the hope in their eyes! 

Got to see the picture of my husband Dave at the booth!

     Soft Bones released a new tool that we were able to promote in the booth to show a difference between a toddler with HPP and a toddler without HPP as well as the difference between an adult with HPP and an adult without HPP. It’s an amazing tool and I loved seeing people’s  faces as they saw the differences in the 3D model. You can check out information about Soft Bones, Hypophosphatasia, and play with the new tool on the SoftBones website.

HPP toddler interactive tool available on the SoftBones website.

      After returning home from the conference, I realized this weekend helped to fulfill a promise that I made to my husband 26 years ago when he had his first symptoms of HPP during our marriage. I told him that someone, somewhere, knew something and that I was going to do whatever I could to find them and to find something that would help him. This weekend was the end and the beginning of that adventure..... 

Check back on Monday for part two!

copyright SHARONNMYLIFE  INC 2016 | all rights reserved
Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. Please note, hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked.


Can You Fix This?

     Tonight, as I was searching my email for a blog post my cousin Connie Cameron wrote, I came across an email I sent to a few friends in 2014. And as I embark on a new season in my life of doing things that sometimes I don't feel perfectly equipped to do, I find this article feeding my soul during yet another season of transition. I hope this speaks to someone else who may be in transition themselves, as I find myself moved by this particular piece in my own season of transition.

     "I thought about posting this on Facebook but decided that was too big of an audience right now. So I am sending this to three special ladies in my life. Thanks in advance for bearing with me while I reflect on some things. They say you learn something new every day and it seems that lately I have been learning on overdrive massive amounts of new info. It all reminds me of a dream where I had to buy five gum balls in order to get the information I needed. Hmmmm, perhaps that is part of this season for me.
     Today, Sharon Martin (my Pastor's wife who is leaving our church after her husband has been on staff for 32 years) walked up to me and said 'I have an afghan that my grandmother made for me (these moments when people tell me about this stuff I am about to cry and or panic because I do not know what is coming next but it usually stretches me) and the dogs have put a couple of holes in it. I know it won't be perfect but would you try to fix it please?' I said 'where do you want it after that?' To which she replied 'just to store it at my Mother-in-law's house for now.' So I said I would look at it. I honestly felt like I would cry when she told me her grandmother made it. Not sure which Grandmother made it but if it is the one on her Mom's side (which I found out later it was) it would be an interesting coincidence as that woman and her family were neighbors with my grandparents on my mothers side. Particularly interestingly, is that that specific woman sat with my grandmother while she labored for her first child until the Dr came. Life is amazing and strange at times.
     I have only been asked to do this one other time and that was by a friend for her daughter whose blanket that had been sent home from the hospital with her had been loved beyond repair. I just made her a new one and  I believe they put the loved one away for safe keeping. 
     I went to look at Sharon's afghan today and it was shades of blue with a bit of black. When I looked in our supplies I found that we had a yarn that was a light shade of blue that did not match perfectly but would repair the hole and keep the blanket from raveling to threads. This meant that I would have to creatively make a patch out of just a few stitches. Something that I had never done before, something that would not be perfect, something that would be a labor of love, and something there were no instructions to be found for (there wasn't even a tutorial on YouTube!). I prayed a prayer for the Lord to help and guide me and He did help me as I realized that the process was almost like doing it upside down and backwards since by the stitches it looked like the grandmother may have been left handed.
     When I was finished I was glad she had used different shades of blue as most yarn can not be matched years later due to fading and dye lots expiring. The experience made me think about how many matters of the heart can not be fixed. Sure they may be patched up with different material to fill the hole but it will never be the original piece exactly. It also made me realize I can not always fix everything no matter how hard I try. The afghan, like people, can begin to unravel if not repaired and as much as Dave and I have tried to help people and pray for then some of them are still broken. Some have been healed, some have moved to heaven, some still need freedom, and some are left without a mom on mothers day. Some are still a mess and all I can do is all I can do and it's all the God wants me to do. 
     I am reminded of an illustration we had during a marriage conference. They took yellow play dough and blue play dough and they mixed it together about 2/3 of the way. Then they told us to pull it apart and completely separate the blue from the yellow. It was impossible. People's lives are so mixed up at times and even when you try to help them so many of them want more from you. It seems at times it is never enough, even though you feel you have layed down and poured out your life. I fixed the hole in the blanket today. I can't always fix the hole in peoples hearts but some of them...they really don't want you to or even God to. Thanks for letting me write this. I love you all! I believe I am hiding in the shadow of His wings and He is my defender."

copyright SHARONNMYLIFE  INC 2016 | all rights reserved
Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. Please note, hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked.