Monday, May 4, 2020

Giving Tuesday Now May 5 

     Tuesday May 5 is a Global Day of Giving for showing unity and generosity in this season and that #hopeisnotcancelled! Participation can include donating to a cause you care about, helping a member of your community directly, letting your voice be heard by advocating for an issue that matters to you, or getting involved with a special nonprofit cause as a digital volunteer.
  One of our favorite pics and some flowers recently sent by our daughters. 

     Hope Help Live has encouraged us to share Dave’s page and needs during this time. This is humbling at a time that so many have needs. If you have a need we would love to pray with you and point others in your direction so please comment or pm us if you feel comfortable. In the last few weeks we have shared from what we have with others such as hand sanitizer, food, and other items people have shared with us so generously. We are so grateful for our community! But we have also been told others are looking for places and people to give to, so here we go. 
We have two projects as goals to better Dave’s quality of life. One is a generator for power back up at our house, because many things Dave needs require electricity. From refrigerating his medicine, to charging his power chair, to his lift chair, and adjustable bed these are all items that contribute to how Dave functions on a day to day basis. We were reminded of this need as Daves medication refrigerator died during this COVID19 season and currently can’t be replaced due to them not being able to deliver safely. It has been apparent for awhile but now more than ever we really need back up power now for our home and fridge in case the power goes out. Estimated cost of generator 2 years ago was $6900 . We have requested an updated estimate from company linked here and will keep you posted:
                                          Just one of the possibilities with Generac.

     In the last few years we have been honored to travel and share our story to help others understand our rare hpp journey and help facilitate hope in others. We continue to dream of doing more of this in the future as well as though the internet currently. So the second project wehave is adding power to Dave’s manual chair, specifically a Max Mobility Smart Drive MX2 plus push tracker.( Due to Dave’s changing abilities when we travel, or go longer distances, he uses his manual wheelchair and if he could push himself and then kick in the power when he gets tired or can’t push himself that would be wonderful and better for his health. There are times when we travel that we can get someone to push him but other times they are short staffed or we have no time. It’s at this point I have to push him and juggle our many bags as well, which can cause us more stress and exhaustion. I want to support Dave’s best health and independence, and I know he would appreciate being able to get himself around more easily. Estimate is $7000 new, and we have been told that insurance will not pay for it.
                                                                     SmartDrive MX2 plus push tracker

     We last posted these on our Hope Help Live awhile back and $1500 came in to help which is wonderful and we so appreciate it! Please note that your gifts are tax deductible through Help Hope Live. You can currently use an e-check (they are temporarily covering the third party fee) but are unable to mail checks currently due to COVID.
Thanks to all if you read this far we believe that our telling our story brings hope to others. Thank you for sharing, liking and inviting others to join us, giving, loving us, and cheering us on in this chapter of our lives. We truly believe the Best is Yet to Come!