Friday, March 31, 2017

Spring!!!! We made it!!!!

Photo Credit: Rachel Talkington

Ah Spring you have finally arrived!!! We have longed to see you come and give way to summer!

     We live in the state of Ohio, in the United States, and a few years ago winter became much more difficult after my husband broke two femurs in 6 months! Although the snow is white and beautiful and the ice can be pretty from the inside of the house it came to have another side for us. Weather changes meant increased pain with my husbands HPP, overall fatigue, and discomfort. Riding that roller coaster is not fun nor is it seen as something to look forward to. I have realized in the last few years in February I would start thinking "come on March". If we can just get to March I believe we will make it. Well we did it again.
Photo Credit: Rachel Talkington

       Surprisingly this winter we didn't have to shovel as much snow and put out as much salt and calcium to melt the ice off the deck, ramp, and driveway for safety for Dave. For this we are very grateful. This year was improved also due to medical treatment as well for Dave and that was a blessing as it did help decrease some of his pain and increase his mobility.

                                                              Photo Credit:Rachel Talkington

     We also received notice that another year of treatment has been approved for Dave and that is something we fought long and hard for last winter. This winter it was pretty seamless, is was wonderful to have breakthrough in an areas that before seemed like as cold and harsh as a winters wind. Like night and day! Soooo grateful!!!

                                                             Photo Credit:Rachel Talkington

     For those who have asked you can access the update on Dave through his HopeHelpLive link. Thanks to all who have helped us with that project!

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